Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 18,2011 - Very exciting news

I talked with Mike tonight. The team flew out according to plan this morning. I have heard back from the team also, they landed safely in Seattle a few minutes ago. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Last night when I told the story of the couple that came to the Lord, I forgot to mention that they both told Mike and Pastor Nathaniel that they wanted to be married as soon as possible, they are trying to do things right. Please pray for them.
Mike made it safely back up to Archie. He had a great day with the Lord, he felt like he was given direction and words. Again thank you so much for your prayers. Please continue to lift him up in prayer Saturday as he spends more time with God. Sunday morning he has been asked to teach at Nathan's brother in law's church. There is usually about 1000 in attendance. He would appreciate prayers on Sunday morning also :)
Nathan and Mike have been invited to a meeting Sunday afternoon for orphanages. It is being held by IBESR. IBESR is like our child protection services in the states. They also have authority over adoptions. Please pray that the meeting will go well and that the rules will be helpful to the adoption process.
This brings me to the exciting news. When Mike and Nathan were talking to one of the IBESR authorities, they were told that since the earthquake IBESR had decided they needed a way to rate orphanages. They came up with a system that assigns a color code to each orphanage. The lowest being yellow, next best orange, then red and finally the best is given a green code. In the Gonaives section of the country there are many orphanages. After IBESR made their decision, there was one orphanage that did not even reach yellow and their orphanage was closed. They had about 20 children and the children were given away to other orphanages. One being our Haitian friend Perry's orphanage. Pastor Perry is in our pastor's association. Nathan was also offered 8 to 10 children. He told them no, not at this time. I believe he said this because, we would need more Nanny's and staff. It is difficult to find good staff and even harder to get them sponsored so that we can pay them a fair living wage for Haiti. We were then told that pastor Perry's orphanage had received a green color code which is the highest. Then Mike and Nathan were told that only two orphanages received the green color code in the Gonaives area and our orphanage was the other orphanage given the green color code. This is huge for us. We have been trying to follow through with what God has put before us. This is why 2 different times now, when children have been found that needed a safe place they have been brought to our orphanage. It is a huge YAHOO for God.
It is an answer to prayer as we have felt called to be a Christ centered, church centered ministry to the WHOLE community. Thank you so much to all of you that have helped to make the orphanage, schools, church and medical clinic possible. You have helped us to be a bright light in the community, and thereby making God the bright light in the community. Praise God!
Many blessings,

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