Friday, October 4, 2013


Today was a great day here in Haiti. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers. There were some hitches with the solar system, but all of them were able to be worked out. The team even said they were ahead of schedule this afternoon. So please continue praying that everything works great as they continue the installation process. We are so appreciative of all who have come together and given of their time, money and energy. It is such a huge blessing to us and the children. I think all of the helpers really enjoyed working together today. The solar system will be a huge blessing to the community also. With power available 24 hours a day, we will now be able to have a small refrigerator, which will allow us to do lab work and have some immunizations available. Again thanks for your prayers, they really helped today.

On another note to Lori, Philip, Brenda, Loralee, Brian T.and Brian D. Today I hiked up the mountain and was able to spend about 3 hours worshiping by myself, singing my heart out to an audience of ONE.(Normally I never get even close to that much time alone.) Thank you so much for all of the incredible music you have written and played over the years. It is so spirit led. Thank you also for the friendship and support. The last song I sang with was, "All I need, you are all I need" Thanks guys!!!!!

Many blessings,

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