Hi again,
Mike and I were able to talk again. The wedding went well earlier today. It was a lot of fun. One of our teachers said she wants to get married the next time Mike comes. Some of the team finished painting the cross today. Tomorrow they will carry it up the mountain and set it in concrete.
They connected the pump and the well today. I guess the first time it did not work. Then both Mikes looked at it and thought it should be wired
differently. So they rewired it. When it still did not work, some Haitians told them how it was done in Haiti. Mike decided to walk down and get
his phone and call stateside for some help. By the time he was almost back up he heard yelling and could see water spraying. They were all
so excited including the children that were around, that they all started shouting and dancing in the water spray. The second time they just had not waited long enough for the water to reach the top of the well. Both of the girls who organized the "water for life" walk were there, able to see the fruit of their work. God is sooooooooo good. The team was able to cross the river and walk to see Nathan's Grandfather's house. This is where we grow
our corn, beans and bananas. It is still plowed the old way, with a man walking behind oxen. Mike said that the meeting with the Good Shepherd pastors and their elders went very well today. Thank you for the prayers they were really blessed by the teaching. Tomorrow Mike speaks at church in the morning, and possibly in the evening as well. So again he would love you prayers. Tomorrow evening will be the last official prayer meeting of the 43 days of prayer for Port-au-Prince, so they will have a celebration as well. Perrie never came to work today at the dock in Gonaives, so they will try again tomorrow. Please pray for the team to be able to receive the containers in time to distribute them. Also remember to keep Dr.Thompson in you prayers, he will be flying into Port-au-Prince tomorrow morning. Pray that the medpacks will arrive with him and that he is able to bring them through customs with no problems. Again thank you for your prayers making all of this possible. Many Blessings,
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