This is a photo of Peru (pay-roo) a mountain village about one hour north of us. We have been invited to plant a church here. On Monday and Wednesday evening the team held a crusade and 40 people gave their hearts to the Lord. Praise God!!!!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
This morning the team left for Bercy. Then they went into Port-au-Prince also, and they visited friends of ours who help to run an orphanage for the handicapped children of Haiti. The orphanage's church has been turned into a hospital since the earthquake. They also spent time sharing together their thoughts on the trip. Most struggling with how do you go back home and live life "normally" again after what you have seen and experienced?
Hard questions for some. Short answer, you don't, you should look at and live life differently. James 1:27 says"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
And James 2:26 says "For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead." He intended for us to be doers not just hearers. Each team member will have to figure out what that means for them. They will be traveling home tomorrow and as I have shared in the past, they have yet to fly home smoothly following the itinerary. So please pray for a first in this area. Mike met with Nathan in Port-au-Prince after they had fixed the paperwork on the docks. He then headed 5 hours back up to Gonaives to the port there. A very long day for both Nathan and the Red cross president of Gonaives. Please continue to pray for victory with the containers. Nathan and Mike will stay in contact between flights in regards to the containers tomorrow.
Mike did mention that the digging of the foundation was finished yesterday for the second part of the orphanage and that today they had begun to set the rock and stone. Which is really good news for the children. Again, thanks for your prayers, without them much less would be accomplished.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
First the bad news, than the victory. Perri, the man who works at the docks in Gonaives, filled out the paperwork incorrectly for the containers. So 3 weeks later Nathan and the Gonaives Red Cross President are going to bring the paperwork correctly written out to Port-au-Prince themselves.They will leave at 5:00 in the morning.They believe this will release the containers to us. So pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee keep up the prayers. We will have victory through God. He knew ahead of time what would be involved.
The victory came tonight in Peru. The team walked the property and prayed over it. Then they went through out the community and met and invited people to come. Two other pastors came with our team and they both shared and Nathan and Mike both shared. They had a blast, they sang, they danced, they preached and more than 40 people gave their lives to the Lord. They believe God gave them the victory because they chose to trust in him instead of themselves. Praise God!!!!! On another note, the team was able to go to the big market today in town. A treat not all teams get to experience. Tomorrow they will have breakfast and prayer and then head for Bercy. Bercy is a town about 1 hour north of Port-au-Prince. There is a mission there that Nathan has relationship with, they allow our group to stay overnight when we need to. The team will be able to go into Port-au-Prince from there. I did not ask Mike, but I assume they will be helping and handing out needed items in Port-au-Prince. Please pray for their safe travel.
Also remember to pray for safe travel for Dr. Thompson, he left for Bercy this afternoon and will fly out of Port-au-Prince tomorrow morning.
Many Blessings,
I am writing this late Tuesday night or rather early Wednesday morning. Hopefully most of you will read this in the morning in time to pray.
Tonight Mike asked for everyone to please pray for two specific things. The first being the containers. Nathan spent the entire day going between Perrie on the docks and the Red cross president of Gonaives. He was told that they would be able to pick up the containers in the morning. Please
pray for the containers to be released to us physically and spiritually. The second thing the team would like prayer for is the crusade in Peru. This was supposed to take place 3 nights in a row. Monday night when they got to Peru it started pouring. Rain is not a big deal where we live. But in Haiti there are not many places to get out of the rain. In Peru there are not either. They did have a prayer meeting, but because of the rain they were not able to use the sound system and instruments like they wanted. When it rains in Haiti it does not mess around it pours. Then on the way home most of the vehicles got stuck in the mud in the dark, which is much darker than around here. They were able to dig them out and go home. Tonight by the time Nathan had returned from the docks it was already pouring, so the team opted to stay and pray instead of go to Peru. Tomorrow will be the last night to go up to Peru. They believe it is just the enemy's attempt to stop the team from sharing the love of God with Peru. So please pray that the team will be able to bring God's love to the people of Peru. Also Dr. Thompson will be leaving for Port-au-Prince in the late afternoon and flying out Thursday morning, please remember to keep him in your prayers for safe travel. On a note of praise! We were able to break ground today on phase 2 of our orphanage! This part will have the bathrooms and showers, along with a kitchen and dinning room. As soon as this part is finished the children will be able to move in. Phase 1 has the rooms for sleeping. We can't wait to get these two buildings finished as some of the older boys are sleeping outside under a reed covering to make room for everyone. Phase 3 will be built after everyone has moved in. I have posted the team picture on our blog and a picture of the oxen plowing if your interested. The address is As a reminder to our Canadian friends, we have had a few checks from Canadians mailed to us at our US address. If you send them to our Canadian address you will be able to be receipted for them, as we now have official non-profit society status in Canada also. The address is
New Generation Haiti Canada, 24104 63 Ave., Langley, B.C. V2Y2G3.
Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Dr.Thompson arrived safely to our orphanage this afternoon. All of his medpacks also arrived. Praise God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow he will work at the medical clinic with our Doctor and nurses. Today the team carried the huge cross they made and buckets of water and sand, along with a couple of bags of concrete up the mountain side to place the cross on the top. I am sure it looked quite interesting as they probably had a stream of kids following them and helping. The children love being in the middle of whatever we do. Mike and Nathan still were not able to meet with Perrie on the docks about the container. Mike says they will try again tomorrow. Prayer is so important on this, it is Mikes 2nd trip to Haiti, trying to get the containers. We are trusting it will happen in God's perfect timing, but we also know that we have to do our part, and the enemy would love nothing more than to block our efforts. Tomorrow in the evening the team will be part of a crusade we are doing in Peru. It will happen over a period of three evenings. Some of you have asked why we are starting to work in Peru, South America. We're not! There is a village up in the mountains about 1 to 1 1/2 hours north of Marose, called Peru, Haiti. It is pronounced payroo. Sorry this was not made clear. It is the village I mentioned in updates from the trip 4 weeks ago. Mike said it was beautiful and I wrote that not much is described that way in Haiti. We have been asked to start a church there. The connection came from relatives at the funeral for our medical tech Maurice. The village told us they would donate an acre of land to us for the church. So please pray for the crusades and for many people to be reached and helped. Also for
wisdom and guidance for us. Again, thanks so much for your prayers for Dr. Thompson and the medicine. They work. Blessings,
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hi again,
Mike and I were able to talk again. The wedding went well earlier today. It was a lot of fun. One of our teachers said she wants to get married the next time Mike comes. Some of the team finished painting the cross today. Tomorrow they will carry it up the mountain and set it in concrete.
They connected the pump and the well today. I guess the first time it did not work. Then both Mikes looked at it and thought it should be wired
differently. So they rewired it. When it still did not work, some Haitians told them how it was done in Haiti. Mike decided to walk down and get
his phone and call stateside for some help. By the time he was almost back up he heard yelling and could see water spraying. They were all
so excited including the children that were around, that they all started shouting and dancing in the water spray. The second time they just had not waited long enough for the water to reach the top of the well. Both of the girls who organized the "water for life" walk were there, able to see the fruit of their work. God is sooooooooo good. The team was able to cross the river and walk to see Nathan's Grandfather's house. This is where we grow
our corn, beans and bananas. It is still plowed the old way, with a man walking behind oxen. Mike said that the meeting with the Good Shepherd pastors and their elders went very well today. Thank you for the prayers they were really blessed by the teaching. Tomorrow Mike speaks at church in the morning, and possibly in the evening as well. So again he would love you prayers. Tomorrow evening will be the last official prayer meeting of the 43 days of prayer for Port-au-Prince, so they will have a celebration as well. Perrie never came to work today at the dock in Gonaives, so they will try again tomorrow. Please pray for the team to be able to receive the containers in time to distribute them. Also remember to keep Dr.Thompson in you prayers, he will be flying into Port-au-Prince tomorrow morning. Pray that the medpacks will arrive with him and that he is able to bring them through customs with no problems. Again thank you for your prayers making all of this possible. Many Blessings,
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Hello again,
I heard from Mike tonight. I do not always get to hear so often. But it is good to be able to pass on prayer and praise reports. The team started the morning with worship up on the mountain behind our new, almost finished orphanage building. Mike said the meeting with the pastor's association went really well. He said God really moved. Mike and Nathan were able to talk with the man in charge of our containers on the docks. They were
told all the paper work is back from Port-au-Prince and that when Perrie (sp?) goes into work tomorrow if it " works fine" they will be able to get the containers tomorrow. Mike is not sure what "works fine" means. Please pray for God's favor and for God to move the mountains. Ultimately God is
the only one that can make it work. Adam and Phil felt led to make a huge cross today. They want to paint it tomorrow and put it up on the mountain. Tonight the team went to church again, and Mike (another Mike on the team, not my husband) shared his testimony during church.
This is such a powerful thing to be able to do in another country. Also today the girls on the team decided to wash the feet of the women who work
at the orphanage. This too is very powerful. It shows value, respect and honor, also that we do not think we are better than them, but sisters in Christ. The other part of the team chose to work on pipe lines from the three 1000 gallon tanks to the well. They decided to wait until tomorrow to install the pump in the well. They are going to put a spigot on at least one tank so the water can be used even though we do not have the water lines laid for the medical clinic and orphanage. Those will be done on a future trip. Tomorrow the team gets to attend a community wedding. Mike will be speaking at the wedding. Please pray for what he shares. In the afternoon Mike will be meeting with our group of Good Shepherd pastors. Please pray for this meeting also. And tomorrow Dr.Thompson leaves for Port-au-Prince to join our team. Please pray for safe flights and travel for him. He will be bringing quite a bit of medicine with him. In the past he has sometimes been allowed to bring medicine into a country and sometimes they take it away. So please pray that both the US officials and the Haitian officials allow him to bring it in. The medpacks are specifically for third world countries, so it is very important to us. Again thanks so much for all of your prayers, God moves when we ask him. Blessings,
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Mike called and said the day went well. One of the highlights was passing out the gifts from some of the sponsors to their children. They also passed out shoes and sandals that the team brought down. Another highlight was church tonight. Nathan was asked to preach at another church so his father, also a pastor, asked Mike to give the message at our church and more than 15 people gave their lives to the Lord. No word on the container yet. Mike and Nathan will go to the dock tomorrow morning to check. Please pray for favor and success.They did not get the pump in the well today, but they were able to get the needed pieces so it is all laid out and ready to go in tomorrow morning. Tomorrow during the afternoon is our pastor's association meeting. Please pray for the pastor's and Mike as he will be teaching. For those of you that do not know, this is a group of pastors that Nathan and Mike have gathered. It includes pastors from different Christian denominations that have agreed to put aside their differences and come together to reach and help the people of Haiti. It is a very exciting group. Thanks so much for you prayers.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Hello again,
I talked with Mike tonight. The team has made it to the orphanage and are settling in.Two of the women were not feeling very good when the team flew out, but are doing well now. If you remember from the last trip, the city of Gonaives was having church services every night as part of a 43 days of prayer for Port-au-Prince. So first on the agenda once they reached the orphanage was church. Mike said the two projects tomorrow will be installing the pump in our well, bringing us one step closer to good water. This was supposed to have happened a few days after the earthquake, but that trip was cancelled. Also tomorrow they will be attempting to get photos of all the children attending our school in Marose. No small feat. It is hard enough to get photo updates of the orphanage children. When we ask for them all to come, we are always a few short, usually we need to ask a few times. Then by the time we think we have them all some have grown tired of waiting and we need to find them. Oh well, all in a day in Haiti, every culture has what they think is important. And on top of that they are children:) Please pray for the pump installation to go well. And
pray they are able to get photos of all the school children. I am not sure when they will attempt to get the photos of our school children in Gonaives. We originally thought this task to monumental, but a couple of women on the team have gone for that purpose. They had faith for the water walk and now for documenting the school children. Also please continue to pray for the containers to be released to us on Friday. Thanks for your prayers.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Pray Partners,
Our next team leaves for Haiti tomorrow at 12:00 PM. Please pray for safe travel. The three containers are on the docks in Gonaives. The paper work is supposed to be finished Friday, so the team can distribute them. Please prayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Everything in Haiti seems to be done on Haiti time. Sometimes it feels like we are trying to move literal mountains.
Our clinic's doctor, Dr. Ralph has started staying over night and working an extra day each week for free. Please pray for the funding to come in to pay for this second day each week, we would really like to be able to pay them for their work. We have hired a new nurse to replace Maurice in the medical clinic, so this will make 1 doctor and 3 nurses. Some exciting news, Dr. Ralph's wife had a baby boy. She flew to Boston just 4 days before the earthquake. They live in Port-au-Prince, so when the earthquake hit they decided she should stay stateside. So the baby was born in Boston. We are also very blessed this trip, as we have a doctor from our area going with the team this time. He will be working with our clinic on the days it is open and he will be observing so he can offer advise and help to our staff.
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