Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Do you hear a whisper?


I wanted to share another piece of my heart. Hopefully it encourages you. Two weeks ago we traveled to 100 Mile House, B.C. We had the opportunity to share twice and Mike preached three times. One of the reoccurring themes while we were there, was a call to encourage people to ask God and listen, really listen to what he is calling you to. And then to step out and take the risk. That it does not matter how old or young you are, where you have been, how badly you have failed, how broken you’ve been. You have a story to share and you have the credibility, the power to speak into lives, because you have walked through YOUR story with God. Know that it is worth it. It is worth the risk, the cost, the unknown to step out on the water and Go where ever he may call you. It will not be the same for everyone. For some it may be overseas, like us being called to Haiti. But it may also be reaching out to the broken right around you, right where you are. It could be anything in between. But bottom line you will never feel complete, never feel all the joy and blessing if you do not ask, if you do not take the risk, if you do not allow Him to ask you to walk on the water. You have been created for a purpose. Trust Him it’s worth it. It will come with a cost. He promises if we follow Him we will be treated like He was. Will you? Will you risk it? Will you walk on water with Him? It’s where the fullness of life lies…

Love in Christ,
Jeremiah 29:11

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