Sunday, August 11, 2013

Thank you so much for your prayers. We were able to send out some text messages to some of you for prayer earlier tonight. And God answered your prayers.

So here is the story........
According to the witch doctor, last night the devil came to him and told him to kill 7 people. The devil told him that he would receive lots of money if he killed the people. But in the morning the witch doctor said that he heard a small voice tell him to go to the church in Pass Rein. So he walked to Pass Rein and showed up at church. During church he asked for prayer (this is when we sent out the text) when Nathan asked if anyone wanted to give their life to Jesus, the witch doctor came forward and said that he did.  Afterwards the witch doctor said he needed someone to come to his house and pray, because he had a lot of voodoo and witch craft things in his home.  The whole church gathered together and walked several miles to his home. They prayed over his home inside and out. They prayed over his family. They spent time worshiping God and praising Him for what He had done. Praise God He is sooooo merciful and good.

Last week we had another time when God prompted us to send out a text message for prayer. We have come to the realization that under certain circumstances text messaging could be a viable option. We have been limited in who we could text for two reasons, one we have to have your phone number and two we have to know that it is okay with the person receiving the international text, as sometimes they cost more to open. So if you would like to be part of a smaller more immediate prayer partner team, let us know and will try to add you on.


Prayer Partners:  Mike here. Yes, it is the "Back to School" season again, and we at New Generation Ministries who have set the education of the next generation of Christian leaders in Haiti as a high priority, have been working hard all summer to get ready. We will be starting a new school this year. Pass Rien will have 100 new students and 8 new teachers. In all, we will be operating 5 schools, each with directors, 740 plus students, 40 teachers and  lots of volunteers. We will be providing school uniforms, books, and food for all. This comes at huge cost. But, we prefer to look at it as an investment in the future leaders of Haiti.
    Education for these children in Haiti is a good investment. It is guaranteed to lift these children out of poverty and break their chains of oppression. It is guaranteed to give them better skills and job opportunities. These kids really need your help. We will see that your investment goes directly to help these children. Not only will there be great dividends for these children, but you will receive the blessing of God for your efforts. 
    Our "school sponsorship program" is designed to fund the expenses for these children to receive a quality education and a nutritious meal. But we don't have enough children sponsored out yet, and we just added 100 new children. Please help us with the work that God has called all of us to do, by making a generous contribution towards the start-up of this school year and/or sponsor several of these children helping them to do something that they are unable to do themselves. School sponsorship is only $15 per child, per month. Please join us. 
This is doable .....Mike

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