Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hello again,

Jacob helped the team rewire the church today. They said it made a huge difference, you can actually see in the church now. Typically in Haiti everything runs on one little wire for hundreds of feet. Because of this, there is very little power that actually reaches the area in need. They also hung the new shower curtains on the walls they built up in the bathrooms the other day. Mia finished measuring the women for bras and they passed out "girls day kits". This is something we take for granted in the U.S. and Canada. Women can not just go to the store and buy feminine products for their monthly cycle in Haiti. In Lynden we have a group of generous women who have sewn washable pads for us that go into kits, these kits are called "girls day" and come with underwear, wash clothes and soap. We brought some kits for the older girls in the orphanage and the nanny's this trip. We also pass them out to the community through the medical clinic and have women's health classes periodically. The team also made the "goup" today. They hauled 2 tables outside and put the "goup" in large baking pans. Mike said at first everyone was afraid to touch it. But once they did they thoroughly enjoyed it. He said it was both crazy and funny with all of the children trying to play in it. Some tried to take it back to their rooms. Luckily it washes up very easily with plain water. Mia and Kayleigh are being bitten by mosquito's, the boys seem to not be bothered by them. Please remember to continue to pray for the team's health and for the staff and orphanage children's health.

In the afternoon the team went up to Pass Rien. The first thing they did was to go up the hill to where the concrete pad is. This is on the witch doctor's property. It is where we had the revival in July. As far as we know, it is the only large flat piece of land available. All of the land around it is steep and rocky. This piece is a large grassy plateau. It is where Mike, Nathan and the May team had so many people come up to them and ask them to pray for salvation. It is where we believe we are supposed to put the church. So when they arrived, Mike shared with them what I wrote in last nights prayer partner e-mail. He also shared that I thought God was saying to not be concerned about the victory, like when Joshua was fighting for the promised land. To not be concerned about the fact that the witch doctor's coming to salvation seemed impossible. In fact sometimes he told the Israelites to take only a small part of the army to fight against the enemies in the land. He wanted it to be obvious that He had won the battle for them. And when they became arrogant and fought with their own strength, they usually got their butts kicked. He wanted them to depend on Him. To look to Him and give Him all of the glory. Mike shared with the team that he felt like similar to Joshua, the victory had already been won. The new territory was theirs. And like Joshua and his army we just need to have faith and rid the land of the enemies. So the team got on their knees and prayed. Jeremy felt like God was saying that the land was underwater like the red sea, and God was going to part the waters and have the victory. That God was going to start on that small piece of concrete and grow his people. That He would be victorious. While the team was praying the witch doctor came up, they told her they were praying for her. She said that was good, but she still was not ready. She handed Mike and Nathan a letter written by her daughter. In the letter they said they would sell that land to us for $30,000. U.S. Mike and Nathan responded by saying that was not going to happen. So, she said because we were a ministry for God she would only ask $5000. Mike and Nathan responded the same way. Land in the mountains of Haiti is not worth that much. Some of the other villagers started arguing with her, because they had been coming to her and asking her to let us build them a church there. She had told them that she would and now she was asking a huge price for the land. Mike said either because of the crowd or because of God's prompting (personally I think it was God) she said she had a big announcement to make. She was going to let us have the land for free. Nathan then said that he was not about to build a church on property that she said was free, he would only build on the land if she would go before the judge and sign a deed for the land stating she gave it to us for free. She said she would. Please pray that she will do as she has said. This would truly be a miracle. We also had a few people on prayer partners share that they had read the same verses this morning, that I wrote in the prayer partner e-mail and that they believed that the victory has already been won, it is just a matter of time. So please continue to pray for this women and the land and the people of Pass Rien. And thank you to all who prayed, fasted and gave words. Victory comes when we work together with God. We appreciate the support very much.

Tomorrow morning the team will be going to Gonaives to feed the poorest of the poor. Again please pray for the team, as I have shared in the past, feeding these children is one of the hardest, but most rewarding parts of the trip for many. It is hard knowing that this will probably be the only meal these children receive that day. They will see a lot of poverty and health issues. This is where the team literally gets to be the hands and feet of Jesus reaching out to these children. Please pray for them as they process what they experience.

In the afternoon the team will go to Peru to visit one of the other village's we minister in. They will also visit the crippled boy that we have been praying for and ministering to. Usually he is very shy and quiet and will not give you eye contact. He has been slowly warming up to us. When Patti started blowing bubbles during the July trip he started giggling and Mike said it was so precious that the whole team stood silently watching in amazement as he opened up and giggled for about 15 minutes. Please pray for them as they minister in Peru tomorrow.



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