Hello again,
Thank you for your prayers today. In the morning the team and children spent some time outside the children's village picking up garbage. The team also went into the market and helped Nadine (Nathan's sister) purchase some more kitchen items. It took a good portion of the day. They also stopped and visited another ministry near us that we are friends with.
While at the market the team found peanuts so, when they got back to the village, they made peanut brittle candy for the children and staff. They also put together some gift bags for the staff, which surprised and blessed the staff. In the evening Jay did the devotions with the children and had them acting out the characters in the story. The children really enjoyed it.
Tomorrow the team will go to church in Marose. Then in the afternoon they will spend some time praying over some of the children. The children come from such hard places, we like to spend some time praying over the ones that seem to be struggling the most. Please pray for discernment and healing for the children. Tomorrow will also be the last full day for part of the team. Brenda, Jay, Kathy and Mac will be heading for Port-au-Prince Monday morning. Laura will be moving into the older girls room as a nanny. She will be spending about 2 months in Haiti. She will go home with the March team. Greg will also be staying longer. He will be stay about 1 month in Haiti. He is staying on to help Mike finish the part of the children's village that we will be staying in. And of course Mike will not be coming back with the team, he will be in Haiti waiting for our younger children and I to join him later this month.
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