It is with great joy that I return to Haiti. It has gotten to my heart so that when I am there, I miss my wife and family, and when I am here I miss them and the children in the orphanage. I take a team of 11 generous, sacrificing, caring, people,(8 men, 3 women). Our tasks at hand are putting a roof on the first of 3 parts to our new orphanage building, and relating with the children. Because of your prayers and generous giving I will be taking Christmas bags for all the children in the orphanage, the school children, the adult helpers, and the pastors and their wives. I feel like Santa Clause, But it is really more Jesus than anything.
Please pray for us as we travel, and carry our ambassadorship of the Holy Spirit to the "least of these" in Haiti. Pastor Kurt and I will also be speaking to the pastors of our association, encouraging and building them up in the faith of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so that they can continue to be champions of their flock and the calling they have been given. It is not easy to be a pastor in Haiti, nor does it come with a paycheck. It has become one of my greatest joys to encourage and cheer on these great men of faith who sacrifice for the gospel. Please pray that as these men are renewed in the strength of the Lord that it spreads like a brush fire among the people. They need it so. We are so grateful to all of you and your support of us, We could not do what we do without you. Chris will up-date the blog and E-mails as I report in while on the trip. We are always open to your comment, words of encouragement, and words that you feel are from the Lord to us. Back on the 24th................Mike