We wanted to let you know the team is doing great. Last night they went to Pass Rien for the 50 days of prayer in Pass Rein and they spent time near the end of the evening praying and ministering to the people. It was a good evening. So far there have been over 60 salvations during the 50 days of prayer, please keep praying for the spirit to move.
Today the team is working on the picnic tables again. They have also installed more clothesline for the Children's Village. They put up steel posts with plastic coated steel cable for the line. It should last a while. The laundry workers will appreciate having the extra lines, especially the strong line.
Tonight the team will be going to Perou for bible study. Please pray for hearts to be open as Mike teaches and the team ministers.
Friday the team will be leaving for Port-au-Prince to catch their flights home. Once again, could you please pray for on time flights, connections and safe travel. Also for the adjustment from one culture to another.
Saturday, Pass Rein will be having a parade through out the village. This will be multi faceted. They will be celebrating the end of the 50 days of prayer in Pass Rein. They will also be celebrating the start of a crusade of one week in Pass Rein (it will be held on the soccer fields again, as there is a bit of a tug a war going on between us and the witch doctors over the land, but we already know the winner
). They will also be celebrating the life changes in the village of De Force, Pass Rein. Which will include some of the steps in changing the name from De Force (place of darkness, where the witch doctors come from to Bon Berger (Good Shepherd). Please pray for this event also, it will be a witness to the area. Thank you so much for joining together with us.

Blessings, Chris
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