Prayer Partners: Mike here; many of you have heard my own story of growing up as a child without a father, security or stability, and how miraculous it was when God, so graciously, stepped in and revealed himself to me at age 22. How He forgave me and healed me and adopted me into His own family. Through no deserving of my own, he gave me His name and left me His inheritance. Aside from surrender and obedience, this was the compelling reason why I followed Him to Haiti; for the sake of the children here, children just like me!
Jesus has commissioned us to give more than just warm feelings and good thoughts to the least of these children. He has called us to this place, to walk with Him into the lives of these children, to see, smell and taste what they, see, smell and taste, and experience what they experience. Jesus wants us to feel, first hand, what He feels for these children who are so much less fortunate than the majority of children in the rest of the world. He has called us to physically bring them food, clothing, education, and medical attention. He has called us to emotionally comfort them when they feel abandoned, alone and scared, to spiritually extend the grace of God to them when they are lost and hurting. He has called us to extend the power of God to them when they are in chains and have been unfairly handed unhealthy generational ties or curses. The Bible says that “We will not hide God's wonders from the children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of our Lord, His power and all the wonders He has done.” (Ps. 78:4)
We are so very, very grateful to have you in the army behind us, supporting us, praying for us, standing in there with us. This is a war, a spiritual war, an all-out assault on the next generation of Christian leaders. We desperately need you to continue to stand in prayer and support with us. Will you help us, even if it puts you in a place where you have to depend more on God’s provision, because “we gave everything we had to help the poor” (Mk. 12:44)
We really do appreciate you and want to thank you so very much for your continued and on-going prayers and support for us and this ministry. With you this army will prevail unto victory in the mighty name of Jesus…….…...Mike
Jesus has commissioned us to give more than just warm feelings and good thoughts to the least of these children. He has called us to this place, to walk with Him into the lives of these children, to see, smell and taste what they, see, smell and taste, and experience what they experience. Jesus wants us to feel, first hand, what He feels for these children who are so much less fortunate than the majority of children in the rest of the world. He has called us to physically bring them food, clothing, education, and medical attention. He has called us to emotionally comfort them when they feel abandoned, alone and scared, to spiritually extend the grace of God to them when they are lost and hurting. He has called us to extend the power of God to them when they are in chains and have been unfairly handed unhealthy generational ties or curses. The Bible says that “We will not hide God's wonders from the children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of our Lord, His power and all the wonders He has done.” (Ps. 78:4)
God has called us to lead a charge of His army to “Lift the burden from their shoulders and destroy the yoke of oppression on them” (Isa. 10:27), And "You are His army."
Some of you may be right in saying that we are not all called to sell our possessions and move to Haiti or somewhere else, but please don’t miss the fact that WE ARE ALL DEFINITELY CALLED TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR FATHERS WORK!!!We are so very, very grateful to have you in the army behind us, supporting us, praying for us, standing in there with us. This is a war, a spiritual war, an all-out assault on the next generation of Christian leaders. We desperately need you to continue to stand in prayer and support with us. Will you help us, even if it puts you in a place where you have to depend more on God’s provision, because “we gave everything we had to help the poor” (Mk. 12:44)
We really do appreciate you and want to thank you so very much for your continued and on-going prayers and support for us and this ministry. With you this army will prevail unto victory in the mighty name of Jesus…….…...Mike

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