Our April team has arrived. They arrived late Monday afternoon. They spent the day getting settled and playing with the children. They are a great mix of ages and talents. Some are excited to build relationships with the children. Some want to minister through worship. And some have come to hold eye clinics in some of our villages.
Today the team started the day by traveling to Pass Rein. They spent most of the day holding an eye clinic for the community of Pass Rein. They made lunch for the children.
They held babies and spent time relating to families in the community. Later in the afternoon we hiked up to the voodoo camp and prayed and sang a worship song. Then after spending the whole day in Pass Rein, we loaded up in the trucks and headed for one of the home groups from church. After a short drive, we took about a 10 minute hike over a small stream and up into the hills to attend the church gathering. We worshiped, prayed, and the team presented a skit, and later a song in Creole and English. Mike preached and Nathan lead worship. Near the end of the evening eight people came forward and accepted Jesus into their lives. Afterwards about 30 more came forward for prayer. It was a wonderful night. We did not get back to the Children's village til around 11:30 P.M. The team was great.
Tomorrow the team will be holding the eye clinic for the children here in the children's village. Please pray for them as they work with and help the children. They will also be doing crafts and games with the children. Nathan will be leading bible study in Pass Rein in the evening. Mike will be leading bible study in Poteau on Thursday evening. Please pray for both of them to be leading in accordance with God's will, and for hearts to be moved.
Hurray!!! The foundation wall on Dita's home is completed. We are excited to be moving on to the cement slab next. For those of you who don't know about Dita's home, it is our future transitional home for the girls aging out of our Children's village. Which by law is 16 to 18 years old world wide, whether they have finished school or not, whether they are prepared to be on their own or not. You can find out more by reading previous postings on this blog. Or, find out more about Dita's home by attending our fundraiser in May :)
Our next BIG adventure is the start of Trish's playground. We have a page dedicated to Trish's playground on our website, which you can connect to by clicking on the website link below. This morning we had the second day of clearing the grounds in the center of the Children's village for the new playground. It is being built in memory of Terry and Norma Bosman's daughter and grandson. We are so excited for the vision of what this playground will be for the children. We have seen just a hint of it in their faces as they watched the huge road building machines come in and clear the grounds for us. For some of the children last Sunday and this morning was more then they could ever have dreamed of, they did not know such machines existed :)
We want to thank you for all of your prayers, we appreciate them so much, they are such a blessing. Will post again soon.
Please be lifting both of these projects up before God. They will both be such a huge blessing to the children of Haiti.

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