Sending you an update on the team today. We went to the celebration at Poteou this morning. It lasted into the afternoon.
Our son Jacob is traveling today through tomorrow to Haiti. Please pray for him as there is 6-8 inches of snow on the highway in Whatcom co. Also, once in Haiti, the traffic is terrible because of people traveling to Carnival in Gonaives.
This morning ended the revival in Poteou. Tonight is the start of a week long revival in Marose. Mike will be preaching in Marose tonight, please pray that the spirit of God moves.
Also this coming Sunday is the first night of Carnival in Gonaives. As I have shared previously Carnival is similar to Mardi Gras, but with a heavy influence of voodoo. They actually advertise three areas just outside of Gonaives, that you can go to and participate in voodoo ceremony's and even stay in bungalows for full immersion experiences. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would reside over Gonaives and the surrounding area. Pray that those performing voodoo activities would be unsuccessful and that eyes would be opened to the truth. Also pray that the innocent would not become victims. Our ministry is trying to offer an alternative to Carnival for the youth ages 13 to early 20's. We are holding a 3 day and 3 night youth camp on the campus of our Marotte school, which is in the outskirts of Gonaives. We have all kinds of activities planned, along with security, so that once there, the youth are in a safe, fun environment. We are expecting around 300 youth. Please pray for wisdom, guidance and discernment as everyone plans and leads the youth. Please pray that the Holy Spirit heals, brings truth and salvation to the youth that do not know him. Please pray for strengthening, growth and commitment for the youth that do know Him. We believe that God's desire would be for the youth to truly be a New Generation in Haiti.

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