Mike called tonight and said that the pastors are having a great time. They are getting a lot out of the teaching and are very appreciative. He said worship has been very good. And ministry time afterwards has been wonderful. I shared two words that some of you prayer partners shared with me, when Mike called for some reference material earlier in the day. One was from Romans;
Romans 15:5-6
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The person that shared this verse said " WOW!!! this verse Speaks directly to what you said Mike was describing - that they feel unified - and also to their goals of wanting to encourage! What an awesome confirmation of their state of minds, hearts, and the applications of ministry they have felt were placed upon them for the pastors of Haiti!! "
Another word was;
Woo hooooo!!! That's awesome! I feel like the rain really was a physical representation of what is going on spiritually. God is sooo GOOD! I send continued prayer for blessings and favor for everyone involved.
Mike shared these two words with the pastors and he said they were VERY encouraged. It is one
thing to hear people are praying for you and quite another thing to hear words of encouragement. Thank so much for being willing to share.
The morning session with Pastor Steve went really well and so did the early afternoon with Jay.
Apparently two of the pastors were on crutches so they had to go 4wheeling to get them up on the mountain. I am sure it was a funny site, as the rest hiked up. In the late afternoon there was some
free time, Mike said they enjoyed watching the pastors, as some played in the ocean and some in the pool. Most have never been in a hotel, can you imagine what they must have been thinking as they looked into the swimming pool. Mike said it was like watching a bunch of kids. He said he also enjoyed watching as they sat around in small groups talking about what was being taught and sharing with each other. What a blessing, thank you God for those who helped to make the conference possible!
In the evening Pastor Nathan came to Mike and said "they want you to share something personal, they like it when you share from your life". So Mike prayed about it and told them usually he shares about things he has gone through and has learned from or has had victory in, something from the past. He felt like this time he was to share some of what he is walking through currently, a lot harder to do, and humbling, but he felt it was what he was supposed to share. He said it was good for the pastors to hear him speak from and understand his heart. When ever you do that usually it is because God knows there are others listening that are working through similar things and It is usually very healing.
Tomorrow Pastor Rusty will be sharing, so please pray that God speaks through him. It has been great having Pastors from three different churches come and teach. Tomorrow they will be having communion together and a baptism. Please pray that God continues to teach, renew, restore and refresh the pastors. Again, thank you to those of you that shared words they were a blessing.
In the late afternoon the team will head up to the orphanage to see the children. So please pray for safe travel for the team and all of the pastors and leaders as they head home to be in their churches the next morning. Thanks so much.