Sunday, September 4, 2022

July 7th Graduation


We hope you are all enjoying the summer weather that has finally reached us. For me the past couple of months has been extremely hard. I lost my mother three weeks ago. I also lost my uncle a week ago. I am grateful that they both knew Jesus and are now with Him and free of pain.  I miss them both very much.

We wanted to share with you a little about some of the graduates in our ministry. We are so very thankful for your help in giving our young people an education. These are the statistics in Haiti.
  • The enrollment rate for primary school in Haiti is 57%, and fewer than 30% of the students reach 6th grade.
  • Secondary schools enroll 20% of eligible-age children.
  • Haiti’s literacy rate is 52.9%.
  • Haiti ranks 177th out of 186 in the world for national spending on education.
  • The Government has advocated the creation of a free public and universal education system for all primary school-age students in Haiti, but there is no government funding program available now or appropriated in the near future to provide for free public education for all children in Haiti.        
This is why we are so very proud of the achievements of our students, and so thankful for your help.

Rossiny, in the first picture, is 24 and lives in our transition home for boys. He is  a worship leader in the Marose church. He would like to become a police officer. He says "Many thanks are conveyed to Mama Chris, Pastor Mike and Pastor Nathan for my education and care and I ask them to still help others".

Emmanuel, in the second picture also lives in our transition home for boys, he is 24 and has 12 siblings, his mother is a witch doctor and could not provide for his care or schooling. He says "Education is an important thing, it's like the life that the mission gives to us, because I didn't know anything before".
He would like to further his education in political science. He says if he is not able to continue his education, he will become a ceramic tile layer. He helps to lead worship in the Marose church.

Youde-Derline, the girl in the red dress, is 19 years old. She lives in Marose and is a Christian, she has been baptized and serves as a greeter in our Marose Church. She would like to become a nurse. She says that "Education develops my mind and soul, I am very thankful to Pastor Nathan and Pastor Mike".

Mitchivena, in the white dress, is 19 years old and lives in Pass Rein. She too would like to be a nurse, or a dress maker. She is thankful for help with schooling as her parents were not able to provide schooling for her. She sings in the choir of the Pass Rein church.

Woodjy, in the black suit, is 21 years old and from Pass Rein. He would like to become a plumber and do masonry, he would also like to teach others these skills. He says " I thank everyone, specially Pastor Mike, Pastor Nathan and all the sponsors that put hands together to provide for our schooling. I will always keep praying for you and asking that  the blessings of the Lord and his protection be on you". He is one of the leaders of youth in the Pass Rein church.

Odler is 23 years, he would like to become a mechanic. He says "I don't have words to thank the mission and sponsors for the gift of education. It's not up to me to reward you, but I think God will ever put in your hands to go on". Odler teaches Sunday school and plays on the worship team. He is also from Pass Rein.

We want to thank you very much for coming along side these young adult Haitians and helping them achieve an education, so that they can help their people.

Many, many blessings,
Chris and Mike

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