Friday, January 31, 2020
I talked with Mike earlier, he and Greg are doing well. Today they visited our new/old school in Denonville. It's actually a pretty cool story. We had a school in the outskirts of Gonaives, in an area called Marotte. The circumstances were that we were renting and every time the relatives of the property owner, who does not live in the area, needed money they threatened to sell the property out from under us, usually in the middle of the school year, then they would settle if we paid the following year's rent ahead of time, which of course was higher each time. It came to the point where we didn't feel comfortable being paid any further out, and the cost of rent was no longer a fair price. Last year they came to us again saying they needed more money or they were going to sell the land. Mike decided to call their bluff and told them to go ahead and sell it, believing it would take a while as they were asking US/Canadian prices for land in Haiti, well out of reach for our ministry. Nathan said we just needed to buy it, because we had both a school and church there. Mike felt like it would not be a wise financial choice. He said if God wanted us in that area then He would provide a reasonable rent or property for sale. The crazy God part was about a mile away in an area outside of Gonaives, called Denonville, Nathan's Father had property, which Nathan was unaware of and which he had inherited from Nathan's Grandfather, who passed away two years ago, the property had originally been passed down from Nathan's Great Grandfather, and like Myan, Nathan's Grandfather wanted the land to be used for God's purpose's. Long story short, within a week Nathan's father heard about the situation and said we could have the property for free for the school and church to move too. So the above photos are the beginnings of a church and school being built. And it's being used for God's purposes. It's quite a large piece of property and a blessing to the church and school in Marotte, which will now be called Denonville.
Tomorrow morning or this morning (Saturday) depending on when you read this, Mike and Greg will be meeting with the Pastors to share with them and encourage them. They would appreciate your prayers. In the afternoon they will be attending a funeral and possibly preaching during it.
Another cool God story I want to share with you is, a man named Les shared with me at church, that during prayer he saw Mike protected in a sort of glass cloche while in Haiti. I talked with Mike today about trying to get to the bank in Gonaives, he said that there are huge steel barricades all over the roads and he could not drive to the market or bank, but obviously it would not be safe seen leaving the bank and walking a couple of miles home. He and Eric, a Haitian friend who works for us prayed and found back alleys and clear areas of sidewalks, which they drove on in order to get to the bank, Mike walked the last little bit to the bank and the security guard recognized him and walked out of the bank with Mike after his transaction until he could get back to the truck and Eric. Along the way Mike kept meeting Haitians that he knew, God totally had him and Eric in a glass cloche, or bubble as Mike put it.
On that note prayer covering is needed Saturday, as the police were going to move all of the steel barricades to help traffic because things have begun to settle down a bit politically. The only highway going north and south in the country goes through Gonaives. But a gang named La Boto said they would shoot anyone trying to remove the barricades. So the police announced on the radio that the La Boto gang was preventing them from clearing the streets and allowing traffic to move and commerce to happen.They then asked the community to show up and create a mass of people, showing the gang that they are out numbered. So there will be a huge potential for either peace or violence. Please pray for the people, police and the city of Gonaives. God is a God of Peace and He is ultimately in control. Again, thank you for your faithful prayers, they make a huge difference.
Blessings, Chris
I talked with Mike earlier, he and Greg are doing well. Today they visited our new/old school in Denonville. It's actually a pretty cool story. We had a school in the outskirts of Gonaives, in an area called Marotte. The circumstances were that we were renting and every time the relatives of the property owner, who does not live in the area, needed money they threatened to sell the property out from under us, usually in the middle of the school year, then they would settle if we paid the following year's rent ahead of time, which of course was higher each time. It came to the point where we didn't feel comfortable being paid any further out, and the cost of rent was no longer a fair price. Last year they came to us again saying they needed more money or they were going to sell the land. Mike decided to call their bluff and told them to go ahead and sell it, believing it would take a while as they were asking US/Canadian prices for land in Haiti, well out of reach for our ministry. Nathan said we just needed to buy it, because we had both a school and church there. Mike felt like it would not be a wise financial choice. He said if God wanted us in that area then He would provide a reasonable rent or property for sale. The crazy God part was about a mile away in an area outside of Gonaives, called Denonville, Nathan's Father had property, which Nathan was unaware of and which he had inherited from Nathan's Grandfather, who passed away two years ago, the property had originally been passed down from Nathan's Great Grandfather, and like Myan, Nathan's Grandfather wanted the land to be used for God's purpose's. Long story short, within a week Nathan's father heard about the situation and said we could have the property for free for the school and church to move too. So the above photos are the beginnings of a church and school being built. And it's being used for God's purposes. It's quite a large piece of property and a blessing to the church and school in Marotte, which will now be called Denonville.
Tomorrow morning or this morning (Saturday) depending on when you read this, Mike and Greg will be meeting with the Pastors to share with them and encourage them. They would appreciate your prayers. In the afternoon they will be attending a funeral and possibly preaching during it.
Another cool God story I want to share with you is, a man named Les shared with me at church, that during prayer he saw Mike protected in a sort of glass cloche while in Haiti. I talked with Mike today about trying to get to the bank in Gonaives, he said that there are huge steel barricades all over the roads and he could not drive to the market or bank, but obviously it would not be safe seen leaving the bank and walking a couple of miles home. He and Eric, a Haitian friend who works for us prayed and found back alleys and clear areas of sidewalks, which they drove on in order to get to the bank, Mike walked the last little bit to the bank and the security guard recognized him and walked out of the bank with Mike after his transaction until he could get back to the truck and Eric. Along the way Mike kept meeting Haitians that he knew, God totally had him and Eric in a glass cloche, or bubble as Mike put it.
On that note prayer covering is needed Saturday, as the police were going to move all of the steel barricades to help traffic because things have begun to settle down a bit politically. The only highway going north and south in the country goes through Gonaives. But a gang named La Boto said they would shoot anyone trying to remove the barricades. So the police announced on the radio that the La Boto gang was preventing them from clearing the streets and allowing traffic to move and commerce to happen.They then asked the community to show up and create a mass of people, showing the gang that they are out numbered. So there will be a huge potential for either peace or violence. Please pray for the people, police and the city of Gonaives. God is a God of Peace and He is ultimately in control. Again, thank you for your faithful prayers, they make a huge difference.
Blessings, Chris
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Hello, I wanted to thank you for your prayers. Mike and Greg arrived safely in Port-au-Prince today. Usually Mike leaves from the airport and travels directly to Gonaives, but this trip he needed to stay in Port-au-Prince to do some government business on Monday. Please pray for his safety Monday as he travels through Port-au-Prince, Dr. Ralph, one of our physicians will be traveling with him. Please pray for favor and for much to be accomplished. It is so hard to get things done in Haiti, please pray that God's favor rests on them. Late last night, Saturday, I was studying and the Lord spoke to my heart and I felt like I was supposed to share it with you. So here it is, I hope it encourages you and speaks to you as well. Hello, I wanted to share a bit of my heart with you tonight. Some thoughts I have had. A few things have come together lately that have spoken to my heart. One is the other night there was an alumni speaker, his name was Nick, at my daughters Consecration of the Hands ceremony for nursing school at SPU, in Seattle. He shared that he looked at his profession as a nurse, as not a job, but his calling. He shared that he believed that his being with people as life was birthed or as they took their last breath, was being the hands and feet of God. He shared that through his relationship with patients and willingness to share about Jesus during their vulnerable times, he had built a relationship with people who had invited him into their lives, who had asked him to perform their funeral, as they had no one else in their life who knew Christ. And to be the 'pastor' that married them to the person they had fallen in love with, also going through cancer treatments before they died, as no one else around them knew Christ. He shared that he took the opportunities that God gave him to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to speak life. I think we are in a battle and the enemy has caused us to fear being the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us. I've asked myself, are we valuing our lives over taking the chance to reach out and help those around us? The other morning as I was getting ready for the day, I started to be fearful as I thought of the what if's and how they could play out in my life, and I heard God say "I am not a God of fear". Life seems hard sometimes, I think we forget we were born into war. We forget where our real home lies. We are here temporarily, in a way we are just visiting, lets not fear using our short time here fully walking in and embracing all who we can. Let's not be a dim light in the path that others aren't sure is a real light, let us be that sure, steadfast, brilliant light that they cannot help but be drawn to. As for me, I want to take as many with me into eternal life as I can and to do that I need God's perspective. Some things to ponder. Thank you for listening to me as I share my heart and thoughts and thank you for being faithful in praying, as I have said before, we really depend on your prayers. Many Blessings, Chris Below are some photos from Nathan as they shared rice with some of the different communities. |
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Hope you are enjoying your Saturday. I am excited to share with you that this afternoon Mike, along with our good friend and board member Greg Neufeldt, will be leaving for Haiti. After so many cancelled trips Nathan and the other Haitian pastors are thrilled.
Greg and Mike will be visiting the different villages and schools, checking in on the medical/dental clinic, the Children's Village and our transitional home. Mike will also be teaching the pastors through out his three weeks in Haiti, but during the two day Pastors Conference in particular. Nathan and Mike will also be holding a conference that will be open to all the pastors, leaders and people from the different villages. The vision or direction he feels God is leading as he teaches, will be on Equipping the Saints. Please be praying as they lead in this direction. We are excited to see the people grow in their understanding of who God has created each one of them to be, and their walking out of that purpose and calling.
Because of Mike having to cancel some of his trips, he video taped a couple of his messages both to encourage and teach. He will be checking up on how accessible these were to the different churches. He feels led to continue video taping his Basic Life Giving Curriculum, so that as new churches join they will have the same understanding. Please also be praying as we move forward in this area.
The above photos are from a few days ago. Nathan had felt like God said to go past Pass Rein, on the highway towards Cap Haitian, just before the village of Ennery, where women gather along the side of the road to sell avocados or mangoes depending on the season. So he drove up there and shared the gospel and led 23 women and some of their families to the Lord! God is so merciful and good! We thank you for your faithful prayers and ask that you would continue to lift Greg, Nathan, Mike and the ministry up as they spend the next three weeks serving the people of Haiti and traveling around the country. The roads and areas are safer, but still dangerous. Thank you so much.
Blessings, Chris
Hope you are enjoying your Saturday. I am excited to share with you that this afternoon Mike, along with our good friend and board member Greg Neufeldt, will be leaving for Haiti. After so many cancelled trips Nathan and the other Haitian pastors are thrilled.
Greg and Mike will be visiting the different villages and schools, checking in on the medical/dental clinic, the Children's Village and our transitional home. Mike will also be teaching the pastors through out his three weeks in Haiti, but during the two day Pastors Conference in particular. Nathan and Mike will also be holding a conference that will be open to all the pastors, leaders and people from the different villages. The vision or direction he feels God is leading as he teaches, will be on Equipping the Saints. Please be praying as they lead in this direction. We are excited to see the people grow in their understanding of who God has created each one of them to be, and their walking out of that purpose and calling.
Because of Mike having to cancel some of his trips, he video taped a couple of his messages both to encourage and teach. He will be checking up on how accessible these were to the different churches. He feels led to continue video taping his Basic Life Giving Curriculum, so that as new churches join they will have the same understanding. Please also be praying as we move forward in this area.
The above photos are from a few days ago. Nathan had felt like God said to go past Pass Rein, on the highway towards Cap Haitian, just before the village of Ennery, where women gather along the side of the road to sell avocados or mangoes depending on the season. So he drove up there and shared the gospel and led 23 women and some of their families to the Lord! God is so merciful and good! We thank you for your faithful prayers and ask that you would continue to lift Greg, Nathan, Mike and the ministry up as they spend the next three weeks serving the people of Haiti and traveling around the country. The roads and areas are safer, but still dangerous. Thank you so much.
Blessings, Chris
December 21, 2019
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at New Generation Ministries.
We want to sincerely thank you for joining with us as we come alongside the wonderful people and families in Haiti, to help them lift up and love one another other in a life-changing way.
There is a common phrase that I'm sure most of you have heard. It goes like this; "These are the best of times, and the worst of times." This has certainly been the case this year in Haiti.
In the midst of the worst of these unsettled political and economical times in Haiti, that corrupt and greedy leaders have meant for evil, God is using for good. He is opening the eyes of so many hurting people to hear the good news of salvation in Jesus. He is breaking the chains of Voodoo. He is lifting up the church as a great light in a very dark place. Our Life-Giving Churches are preaching the gospel of Jesus every night, and the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully, in the hearts of the people. We are seeing so many salvations and healings right now, it is truly amazing.
While we certainly don't wish to see innocent people left desperate and hurting, we are rejoicing that Jesus is moving so powerfully now, to break strongholds and chains that have held the people of Haiti in oppression for many generations.
In Haiti, some are saying that this is one of the worst times in Haiti's history. But Spiritually speaking, this has been an unprecedented time of advancing the Kingdom of God in Haiti. Because of your prayers and financial support so far this year alone, we have seen over 380 men and women enter into a new life in Jesus, hundreds have been set free from demons, many have been miraculously healed of sickness and hurts, and over 210 new believers have been publicly baptized in the name of Jesus.
Your Christmas or year-end gift is so critically needed this year to feed Haitian families in both a spiritual and a practical way. Because of the current political and economical instability, the poor are starving, and desperately need real food to feed their children. But, they also desperately need the un-corrupted Good News of Jesus Christ to lift them up and set them free.
Would you please prayerfully consider how much you would contribute, as your Christmas, year-end gift to come alongside your Haitian brothers and sisters in their time of desperate need.
May God richly Bless you and your families this Christmas Season, Mike and Chris Leland
We want to sincerely thank you for joining with us as we come alongside the wonderful people and families in Haiti, to help them lift up and love one another other in a life-changing way.
There is a common phrase that I'm sure most of you have heard. It goes like this; "These are the best of times, and the worst of times." This has certainly been the case this year in Haiti.
In the midst of the worst of these unsettled political and economical times in Haiti, that corrupt and greedy leaders have meant for evil, God is using for good. He is opening the eyes of so many hurting people to hear the good news of salvation in Jesus. He is breaking the chains of Voodoo. He is lifting up the church as a great light in a very dark place. Our Life-Giving Churches are preaching the gospel of Jesus every night, and the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully, in the hearts of the people. We are seeing so many salvations and healings right now, it is truly amazing.
While we certainly don't wish to see innocent people left desperate and hurting, we are rejoicing that Jesus is moving so powerfully now, to break strongholds and chains that have held the people of Haiti in oppression for many generations.
In Haiti, some are saying that this is one of the worst times in Haiti's history. But Spiritually speaking, this has been an unprecedented time of advancing the Kingdom of God in Haiti. Because of your prayers and financial support so far this year alone, we have seen over 380 men and women enter into a new life in Jesus, hundreds have been set free from demons, many have been miraculously healed of sickness and hurts, and over 210 new believers have been publicly baptized in the name of Jesus.
Your Christmas or year-end gift is so critically needed this year to feed Haitian families in both a spiritual and a practical way. Because of the current political and economical instability, the poor are starving, and desperately need real food to feed their children. But, they also desperately need the un-corrupted Good News of Jesus Christ to lift them up and set them free.
Would you please prayerfully consider how much you would contribute, as your Christmas, year-end gift to come alongside your Haitian brothers and sisters in their time of desperate need.
May God richly Bless you and your families this Christmas Season, Mike and Chris Leland
November 28, 2019
WOW! Thanksgiving Day kind of snuck up on us this year, but not our feelings of sincere gratitude for all of you, our faithful supporters. Because of your prayers and financial support, The ministry in Haiti is successfully navigating, what some are calling, "The worst time in Haiti's history!"
The political/economical unrest, and destruction of anything functional in Haiti, has not let up. Most of the country has no power, no gas, no propane, no hospitals, no schools, and not much food. Lawlessness and out-of-control gangs, are reeking havoc on the innocent poor as they struggle to survive.
But the very thing that Satan intended for the destruction of Haiti, God is using for good. Oh' but how can anything good come from this?
Our Life-Giving churches have been preaching the gospel of Jesus with miraculous results." We have had 33 salvation's in the past 2 days. Peoples eyes are open to their need for salvation. For the first time in many generations people can see that Voodoo and corruption have not helped them. We are seeing so many coming to salvation every day, by the power and the love of God.
Jesus told us in Luke 4:18, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the Lord’s favor." And that is indeed what He is doing, even in the face of such hardship of life.
And God continues to miraculously provide for "The Good Shepherd Children's Village, with food, water, security, and peace in this storm. All of our schools, except one, are continuing to provide education and stability for the villages we have "come alongside."
Yes, Thanksgiving Day may have come quickly, but our feelings of eternal thanksgiving to Jesus, and to you are huge. Thank you so much.
Mike and Chris
The political/economical unrest, and destruction of anything functional in Haiti, has not let up. Most of the country has no power, no gas, no propane, no hospitals, no schools, and not much food. Lawlessness and out-of-control gangs, are reeking havoc on the innocent poor as they struggle to survive.
But the very thing that Satan intended for the destruction of Haiti, God is using for good. Oh' but how can anything good come from this?
Our Life-Giving churches have been preaching the gospel of Jesus with miraculous results." We have had 33 salvation's in the past 2 days. Peoples eyes are open to their need for salvation. For the first time in many generations people can see that Voodoo and corruption have not helped them. We are seeing so many coming to salvation every day, by the power and the love of God.
Jesus told us in Luke 4:18, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the Lord’s favor." And that is indeed what He is doing, even in the face of such hardship of life.
And God continues to miraculously provide for "The Good Shepherd Children's Village, with food, water, security, and peace in this storm. All of our schools, except one, are continuing to provide education and stability for the villages we have "come alongside."
Yes, Thanksgiving Day may have come quickly, but our feelings of eternal thanksgiving to Jesus, and to you are huge. Thank you so much.
Mike and Chris
November 23, 019
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