Saturday, February 8, 2025

Two Testimonies



We have had so many salvations lately I wanted to share a couple of testimonies with you
This is Angelor. He is 20 years old.
He is in 9th grade in the Denonville Good Shepherd School.

His mother is a Christian and his father has died. Angelor has  four brothers and three sisters.

Angelor shared that he was in the Dominican republic and when he came back, he choose to serve the Lord Jesus. He says that the church in Denonville is a  life giving congregation.

When our translator Jonas asked him about God he said" I love God. He does so many great things in my life. One time, I was bathing in a river and I almost drowned, but God rescued me and saved me from drowning. He does so many things for me" Angelor also shared "I feel the messages and prayers of the church are relevant to my life? I like the church and all its activities so much."

He shared that dark forces fight with him at night, and that he wants to have victory over them and asks for our prayers. He says that his favorite verse is Joshua 1: 8

Angelor says that he is almost a musician and that he hopes to be able to preach for the glory of God.

In so many parts of the world we take an education for granted, it is expected. In countries like Haiti it so difficult to attend school. Usually the only free schools are ones that are offered by ministries, like ours. Sometimes affording a uniform can be a problem, or that fact that there is no school in your village makes school unobtainable which is very common. Many times even if a child is able to start school, the parents need them to start helping and working at a very young age to help support the family. These reasons are why the average child in Haiti does not receive more than 5 years of school. We are so appreciative of your helping us raise the education level of the students in our villages.

This is Thalerand.

She is married and has a crippled husband, they both are serving God. She is 63 years old. She has eight grown up children. The oldest is 42 years old.

She is a new attender (member) to the Good Shepherd Church because it is  "more zealous".

Before she accepted Christ Jesus, she says that she used to run after false gods and demons for healing of her children and other requests. It is what her parents used to do when she was a little child.

Thalerand says that she is willing to serve God the best she can.

She wants prayers for healing because she has had  pain all over her body for about nine years. She shares that she needs God.

In the past she had a business but now that her husband is crippled she cannot do work. Thalerand shares that she is living thanks to the Mercy of others.

She enjoys the church and loves God. She shares her gratefulness for God's work in her life.

Thank you so much for coming along side of us and helping the people of Haiti. It is very much appreciated. Please keep Thalerand,  Angelor and others like them in your prayers.

Blessings, Chris

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