Madam Maryjo grew up in the Bercy Orphanage as a young girl. She became a youth leader and eventually was asked to be the director of the Bercy orphanage. This was an overwhelming task for a young single girl with no formal training or credentials. Over the last two years this was compounded weekly by disturbances of gang activity. After hearing reports of community members being robbed, raped, and run out of their houses, and seeing them burnt to the ground, as a show of force, several times Maryjo called her organization in Florida in a complete panic asking to be relieved of her position, but each time they talked her down and told her things would be OK.
As you know, 2 months ago, it was not OK, as the orphanage was under threat of death and destruction. She called us for help. Then she came up with a plan to escape with the children, out of the back of the orphanage and then run into the hills for safety. They were extremely blessed to have made it without casualties. Madame Maryjo said they were so traumatized that even hearing the shooting from the hills scared them to death. Only when they were aboard the helicopter, on their way to The Good Shepherd Children's Village, did they begin to feel safety and peace.
Madame Maryjo says openly, that she is so grateful and pleased to be here now with all her children around her. She and the children are feeling settled in now. Things are a bit tight, but everyone is managing well. The children are going to our school and church in Marose, and they are each having a turn being checked out at the medical clinic.
On the night we were helping with the plans for the rescue we were so stressed, trying to arrange the rescue. And as Mike was praying, God told him that our spiritual influence would turn out to be a greater blessing for them than their rescue. We are beginning to see the fruit of what God said. More than half of the children and staff have given their lives to Jesus. Several have recommitted their lives to Him. And some have been healed of their sickness. Also several of the children have openly stated that they love going to school now, when they did not before.
Maryjo is being mentored by Pastor Nathan, and is also attending our Life-Giving School of Ministry.
She is so happy...Thank you for continuing to lift them up in your prayers. We so appreciate your coming alongside of us in supporting the children in so many ways.
Blessings, Mike and Chris
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