Tuesday, October 3, 2023

August 1, 2023


We wanted to share pictures with you (lots of them) from the celebrations happening in Pass Rein. We also wanted to share some of the fruit. It has been a very exciting time. There has been worship, teaching, celebration, honoring, prayer, and baptisms and there will be 28 weddings.

We had over 80 people choose to be baptized this past weekend, men, women, and older youth. I have included some pictures of a few of them. We will be sharing some of their stories in future prayer partners.

One of the more emotional events they called "Golden Age" honored those who are in the ministry who are over 70 years old. The average life expectancy in Haiti is 62 years old. So, reaching the age of 70 and still ministering is amazing. They honored each of them individually and spoke words of appreciation and encouragement over them. Then they presented each of them with a gift. 

We are thankful for everyone who attended the fundraiser this past weekend. It was good food and a lot of fun. And thanks to your faithful support, it was our most successful fundraiser to date.

We have been so blessed by your faithfulness.

Blessings, Chris

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