Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Good afternoon good friends; This is a very important time to be, and have, good friends. Good friends are our life-line connection to love and encouragement. Good friends keep us balanced and encouraged in "Crisis Times" like this. 
It is in times like this, that it is so important that "we remain in Him, and His word remains in us", and He says that "whatever we ask, it will be done for us." God loves us, and He loves it when our crisis times draw us close to Him. He empowers us, as His beloved children to minister hope and peace and help to one-another, in their time of need. And it is, in our compassionate ministering and encouraging others, that God meets all our needs, in Jesus. "For All of God's promises for us, are YES, and Amen", in Jesus.

As the up-dates on the Corona Virus come to us daily, and sometimes hourly, we can easily get discouraged and become fearful, and with good reason, this is real! But, God did not give us a Spirit of fear. For crisis times like this, God gave us a spirit of power, and of love, and a sound mind." This promise brings me great encouragement to put my concerns in His loving, powerful, hands, and put my attention to encouraging others. God gave His children the keys to His Kingdom. God gave us power in our prayers for one another. God gave us love for one another. And God gave us a sound mind, anchored "in Jesus" to stabilize us from the panic of the world we live in. 

I have been staying in close contact with Pastor Nathan and the ministry in Haiti. They are, like us, under strict government recommendations to stay in their homes until this passes. "And this too shall pass." It is very hard for the Haitian people to understand what are good healthy recommendations, or just more corrupt government mandates being forced upon them. There are currently only 2 reported cases of the virus in Haiti. Neither are Haitians. Pray that this is it..... All of our church congregations are being asked to stay home and pray. Pray for their neighbors and their nation. They are also praying for us and our nation. They are praying for you! The orphanage is doing well, so far, and everyone is healthy. They have put into place good health practices. "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow."

We are very thankful to have so many good friends in this ministry like you. We are encouraged, and we know, that even in these times of crisis, as we remain in Him, we will be able to continue to support the vulnerable people of Haiti through their times of crisis. Please keep them in your prayers as they have been keeping you in theirs. 
Please prayerfully consider how you can extend your love to them, as God extends His love to you...……

We are still hopeful that we will have our New Generation Ministries, Annual Fundraiser Dinner and Auction, on May 1st. But if, like so many other gathering events, it is cancelled, and we are not able to meet together in person, we are already working on plans to offer an on-line alternative event for you. This is our only main fundraising event of the year. We depend heavily on this event to keep this ministry doing what God has called it to do. We are not fearful. We are loved. And we are encouraged that God knows what we, and you need. And God will meet all of our needs in Jesus. 

If any of you have specific prayer needs, or something that I could help you with, please let me know. It is my pleasure to serve you, as you have served me...…….Bless you in the place of His presence...……..Mike

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