Hello again,
I wanted to share with you about a very special celebration we had on Sunday. It was to honor Nathan's grandpa. Nathan's grandpa Floamy Chariot is 86 years old, which in and of its self is amazing. The average life expectancy in Haiti is 62. His wife, grandma is 79 years old. They are a special couple. Together they have raised many children, besides their own two sons. Grandpa is a character to say the very least. He would have been a fun friend to grow up with :) Grandpa loves to talk and talk, and talk, and talk and he is almost always talking about Jesus. He is an evangelist through and through. He farmed and even raised beef to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. But he was and is a preacher, he exudes the joy of the Lord. He is the one Nathan goes to spend time with when he needs advice or a listening ear with some wisdom. From the first time we met him, he told people that the Holy Spirit was on Mike and to listen to what Mike had to say. Sunday night he told everyone that he and Mike were brothers. What an honor to know him, to glean wisdom from him, to see the heritage he has passed on, and so Mike and I along with Nathan and his wife held a celebration to honor him. Usually people are honored after they have passed away and people reflect on their life. But we felt like God was calling us to honor him while he is still alive. He shared funny stories and memories that night with Christ woven through out. He had the crowd of over 200 laughing and saying Amen. We ate together, shared cake together and spent time together. Mike preached, Nathan sang, family shared. Mike ended his tribute to them by saying when Grandpa and Grandma's time comes to meet their savior, Jesus will be saying "well done good and faithful servants".
Please keep the people, the ministry and our family in prayer as Easter approaches. The Ra Ra's become larger and more intense as the week unfolds. Much evil happens during this time. We depending on your prayers.
Blessings Chris

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