Sunday, March 22, 2015

Its been a while since I have written. The children and I returned to Haiti on the 10th and have been settling in to life in Haiti again. Mike returned to Haiti 6 weeks before us. The extra time for me was very good, I was able to visit family and catch up with some of you. We had two grandchildren added to the family and I was able to spend some precious time with them. The extra time was good for my health also.

Mike hosted two small teams while I was in the U.S. One of which I had written about. The second team was sent by Logos Bible Software. We were honored to be chosen as the field ministry for their "making a difference" 2014 conference. So Josh and his helper Joey spent a week filming different aspects of the ministry. They put together a video for Logos Bible Software. They also will be putting together a couple of videos for our ministry. A short 2 min. video and a longer version around 20 mins. 

For Carnival this year we provided an alternative again for the youth. For three days and nights we had activities, worship and speaking. Over the three days 49 youth gave their lives to the Lord. Please pray for them as they learn to walk out living a new life style. 

Please pray for for Haiti, these weeks between Carnival and Easter are filled with many dark traditions. Satan works overtime during this season, it is a very oppressive time.
Thank you ahead of time for your prayers.


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