It is hard to believe we have reached the midpoint of summer. I am not sure I am ready for fall and back to school yet. Our summer got off to a late start this year.
I know it is also the start of back to school supplies being both available and on sale. We would greatly appreciate your picking up some extra supplies for our children when you pick up supplies for your children. There will be over 800 children this year that you will be helping to go to school.
We have a small team coming today. They have had some flight delays. Please pray for safe and on time travel for the rest of their trip. They will be doing some medical outreaches. Stephanie will also be updating the medical records of the orphans in our Children's Village. I am looking forward to spending time with her. She lived with my daughter Rebecca and her family for a year and then with our family for a year. She also spent 2 months here in the Children's Village.
Last weekend Nathan, Mike and I went to Arcahaie for a crusade and wedding. Mike preached twice and Nathan preached once. Nathan also led worship once and directed the choir. There were 5 salvation's the night Nathan led worship and Mike preached, also about 25 came forward for prayer. This particular church does not usually have ministry time afterwards so it was a new experience for them.
Rebecca took possession of her house in Gonaive on Monday. We are working out the legal paperwork at the moment so she will be able to start taking children who are still trying to finish school, but are aging out of the Children's Village soon.
Everyone here is also working hard to finish Dita's transitional home for the girls before the school year starts. They are pouring the ceiling/roof today. After the cement is set they will start laying the blocks for the walls of the second story.
I think we may have seen the world record for the most live goats carried on a motorcycle. Would you believe 14 goats. It was an unbelievable sight.
My waiting list for sponsoring an orphan has been fulfilled.
I have three new orphans to sponsor out, so if any of you are interested in sponsoring an orphan please send me an e-mail and I will send you a photo and give you more information.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers.
Many Blessings,

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