Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hope you are having a wonderful day as our late summer days turn into fall. It can be a reflective time of year for me, probably more so as we continue to prepare to move. I wanted to share with you a little out of my devotional today. It is from a devotional called Jesus Lives by Sarah Young. " My kingdom cannot be shaken! This present world seems to be shaking more and more, leaving you off balance much of the time. As you worship Me, however, your perspective changes and you regain your balance. To worship Me acceptably with reverence and awe, thankfulness is essential. I designed you to be thankful on a daily, moment-by-moment basis.....My unshakable kingdom is for all people who love Me, who know Me as Savior." Worship and thankfulness, I invite you to ponder them.

I am also writing to remind you that our fundraiser dinner is this Saturday, there will be a full course prime rib dinner, live auction, entertainment, and a photo booth. The evening will be held at the Northwood Hall in Bellingham, just off of Northwest road, behind the Northwood restaurant. The Northwood restaurant is preparing the meal for us. Please come join us this Saturday evening, we would love to see you as our time in the states is coming to a close. There is still room available, you can contact us by phone at 360-305-9070 or e-mail us at newgenerationhaiti@gmail.com  The invitation is also posted below on this blog. Thank you again for coming along side of us to help the children of Haiti.

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