Monday, August 27, 2012

Prayer Partners:  Yes, once again the poorest country in the western hemisphere is hit by a severe tropical storm. Hurricane Isaac stampeded through the southern part of Haiti last night and continued through this morning with winds of over 60 miles per hr with massive amounts of torrential rains. Seven people are reported dead and hundreds more are left homeless because of the flooding. Most of Cite Soleil, the largest slum in Haiti is under water. The fear is that disease and cholera will spread like wildfire. Please pray that this does not happen.

 Thank you so much for all of your prayers. Many of you have been following the hurricane and praying that the worst of it would remain out at sea. Thank you so much, my children were in this storm, and I am so grateful for your support of this ministry. Please continue to pray as Haiti once again begins to pick up the pieces that are left after being hit by the enemy when they are down. "Down, but not defeated." The Lord has plans for Haiti, "plans for good" and New Generation Ministries is in it, with them, for the long haul. See this link below for more info............Than You..........Mike

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hope all of you are having a great day as summer comes to a close. I want to thank everyone so much for the donations of garage sale items. We literally have thousands of items to sell. We will also have some baked goods :) So Please come by and see us. The sale will run both Friday (tomorrow) and Saturday from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm. The sale is at 354 W. Badger Rd, Lynden, WA. The proceeds will help pay for our family's moving costs to Haiti, airline tickets and a vehicle purchased stateside and shipped, or a vehicle purchased in Haiti for our family's use and for orphanage use. We will be able to accept monetary donations also and give a tax deductible receipt for them. Thank you so much for your notes and prayers in regards to our walking through the process of letting go of the things of this world. Your encouragements and prayers have meant a lot and they have made a difference.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hope all of you are experiencing a great summer. We have heard a lot of very exciting news lately from some of you. I personally have been knee deep sorting through items as we prepare to move to Haiti. Which is partially why I am writing. We will be having a garage sale in a week. The dates are Friday and Saturday, August 24th and 25th. The purpose is to raise funds to help us with moving costs, airline tickets and a vehicle purchased stateside and shipped or a vehicle purchased in Haiti. If any of you have items that you would like to donate towards our garage sale they would be greatly appreciated. Also, if any of you would like to donate baked goods towards our garage sale that would also be wonderful. It has been a process both emotionally as well as physically going through our belongings. I am very sentimental and value family quite a bit. All of these feelings tend to surface as I go through things that I have accumulated over the years. I am also a gadget and a nick knack collector, as many of you who have been to our home can vouch for. But God has been nudging me through the process, as has my youngest sister and my daughter, both of whom have spent 5 days separately helping me go through and decide which things we should take to Haiti, which items we should keep here stateside and which things we should sell. Also, which items we can do with out and therefore can be shipped to Haiti, and which things need to be taken to Haiti when we fly in January. It has been interesting, emotional, exhausting, overwhelming and freeing all at the same time. I would greatly appreciate your prayers for our family and the ministry as we walking through the next 6 months.

We are also still in the process of adopting our 10th and 11th children and IBESR (the child protection portion of the Haitian government and the adoption authorities in Haiti) has been closed since the first few days in May. This has held up all adoptions in Haiti for 3 1/2 months now. We would greatly appreciate your prayers regarding adoption both for us and others who are in the process of adopting from Haiti. Adoption is a battle the enemy does not want to lose, as it changes lives forever.

Well thanks for reading this and if would like to help us with our garage sale you can let us know by e-mail, phone, our # is 360-305-9070, or by stopping by and seeing us.

Again thanks and blessings,
