Monday, August 14, 2017

Weddings in Achachaie

The one on the left is Nathan's little girl. She is so cute.


Hope you are having an enjoyable, relaxing summer. We have had high temperatures along with a very humid summer. Today Humidity is 89%. We will be thankful as the fall approaches J

Pass Rein is having 42 days of prayer and worship, Mike preached for the past 7 nights. Please keep Pass Rein in your prayers as they have 28 nights left. We have had 37 salvations in the first 14 days. The topic is on Revelation 3:20, “behold I stand at the door and knock”.

One of the evenings we were in Pass Rein a man named Emmanuel came and talked with us. We had prayed over him almost a year ago, at one of the crusades at the soccer field in Pass Rein. At that time he had been completely incapacitated. He could not walk or talk and he had no control over his bathroom habits. He was carried forward on a chair for prayer. He shared with us that at that time he had been sick and in that condition for a full year. I cannot even imagine living and walking through what he did. In Haiti there is no running water, even bathing requires the ability to walk to the river. And here he was STANDING before us, TALKING, SHARING, his testimony of how God had healed him. He was beaming from head to toe. He said that he thanks Jesus continually and owes everything to Him. It was so wonderful to see him and listen to him. It is such a huge blessing for us to see some of the fruit of what God is doing.

We also wanted to let you know that both the weddings and preaching went very well in Achahaie. Thank you so very much for your prayers. Well over 100 people of the 1200 plus people came forward for prayer. I will post some photos of the weddings on the blog. 

We also wanted to let you know that thanks to a generous donor we have been able to start the foundation and cement floor for the church in Badjo. The people in Badjo are very excited to say the least. If you feel lead to help with the church in Badjo that would be wonderful and very much appreciated.

We also were awarded a grant to finish the church in Pass Rien. So walls are going up on the foundation and cement floors, and next the roof will be going on. Yahoo! Progress gives HOPE! Much needed hope to a faithful village. Thank you soooo very much for partnering with us in prayer. Your prayers are so needed and so important.

