Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I am sorry that it has been sooo long since I have written. A lot has happened since I wrote last. First of all Jacob and Amber have decided to go back to Lynden, they were here for 3 months. Amber is due with her fourth child in the beginning of January and their midwife was not able to come to Haiti after all. They also found that the paperwork to get American citizenship looked like it could take a few months. So they are back in Washington and we miss them very much. I am hoping to be back for the holidays in time for their birth and the birth of my son Jeremiah and his wife Davida's child, which is in the beginning of December.

So the next happening, was my daughter Rebecca and her husband deciding it was more expensive to live in Haiti then they realized. So Rebecca and her son Felice flew back to Washington to spend time raising additional financial support. She has been running their home in Gonaives for the boys who have aged out of the orphanage. So, in the meantime our family has moved into the transitional home and are watching over it until they return, which should be early spring. 
I am doing better health wise now, but have been really sick again. What I thought was a really bad flu that I  was just not getting over as fast as I should have, turned out to be typhoid. I waited until I realized I was not getting better and went to see a doctor during the weekend. He gave me IV fluids and medication and told me to come back the following Monday and have labs drawn. I had the labs drawn the following Monday, but then had to wait for results. So, by the time I realized I had typhoid, I was already getting better. The  doctor did prescribe different medication once he knew I had typhoid though, and after almost two weeks, I now am feeling better. I am looking forward to getting my health and immune system built back up, when I am stateside over the holidays. I would greatly appreciate your prayers, as I think my immune system is pretty much done here.

We have had the pleasure of having the team back from South Carolina. This is their fourth year staying with us. They came up from Bercy on Sunday, for their third annual crusade and pastor's conference with our ministry. Mike preached that evening as the opener for a week long crusade in Marose. On Monday, they held the first day of a two day pastor's conference. In the evening pastor Janice preached at the crusade. Tuesday the team visited two of our schools and then held the second day of the pastor's conference. That evening pastor Willmar preached at the crusade. Today, Wednesday, the team visited the prison in Gonaives. They brought food and toiletry gifts for about 300 prisoners. In Haiti, you are not fed in the prisons. You need family or friends to bring you food. The conditions are really bad. The prisoner's tie their one sheet to the bars, like a hammock, so they do not have to sleep in the pee that is all over the floor. Only some of them are able to use their sheet as a hammock, as there is only so much room. Some of the prisoners have served their term, but do not have the bribe money they need to pay to get out of prison once their term has been served. The prisoner's also are guilty until proven innocent, unlike in the U.S., where they are innocent until proven guilty. Mike talked to one pastor who has already served 29 months and has not been formally charged yet.  It is incredible what conditions humans are some times subjected to. Nathan, Mike and the team had about 6 older Haitian teen age boys with them. Mike took the boys aside and talked to them about what they could see and their life choices. It was a pretty emotionally moving day. Tonight, Virginia preached at the crusade. Each evening's ministry time has had many people coming forward for prayer. Tomorrow the team will be participating in about 30 baptisms and then in the afternoon they will be visiting the hospital in Gonaives. They will be bringing toiletry gifts again and the team will be praying for the patients and families. Again, even in the hospitals, the family and or friends are responsible for the feeding and cleaning of the patients and their bedding in the hospital. I do not know what happens if there is no one to help. I do know that in our churches, members have gone in to help the people with no family. We do not realize how blessed we are in the states. Please pray for the baptisms, hospital visit and the crusade in the evening. 

On another note, we have applied for a visa appointment for Jonathan Erwins and Lydia Mannrose. We are supposed to hear when the appointment date will be on Monday. Please pray for a date before the holidays, so that we can come home as a family for the holidays. Also please pray for a favorable grant of a travel visa for both of the children. We know of some families where some of the siblings, but not all, were granted visa's. We really need your prayers, so that both children are allowed to come back for the holidays with us.

Thank you so very much for your prayers. We really depend on them. 
