Sunday, August 31, 2014

Mail and dreams


I am writing tonight with two things in mind. The first is our headquarters in Lynden is located on a rural country road. Occasionally the local teens like to play pranks. A typical one is to knock down or smash a mailbox while traveling 50 miles plus as they go by. The other is to stick a firecracker or other such explosive in the mailbox and blow it up. Melissa told us that is what happened on Saturday. So besides having to replace our mailbox, we also need to let you know that if any of you sent any mail the last few days, including automatic bank checks to our home address could you please let Melissa or Dustin know. If you sent them to our PO Box there would be no problem. We would really appreciate it you can contact them at,
You can also reply to this email and we will forward it on.
Sorry for the inconvenience, we just have no way to know who's mail would have been in the mailbox. I would like to strongly encourage everyone to use our post office address in the future it is; 

New Generation Ministries 
PO Box 42
Lynden, WA 98264

Thank you so very much !

The second thing I would like to share is a small dream I have for the children. Thanks to many of you we now have about 5 boxes of children's books collected. We also have puzzles, games, color books and various leftover VBS crafts for children. I let a couple of children come into my home at a time and spend time drawing, reading or playing. It would be nicer though to have a room set up just for these activities. I have also wished we had a room set up to pray with the children in a semi private place. As I have put more thought and prayer into this I believe I have found a solution. Nathan, Mike and I use our own places for an office, rather than the room here in the children's village designated for an office. Sooooo.... My heart would be to turn the designated office into a library/game/prayer room. So here is where some of you come in. I need a little help, not much. First I would need some wood for book/game shelves. The current window we have in the office has opaque amber colored glass, great for privacy, but it lets very little light in. So I would love it if someone would help me change the amber glass out for clear glass. I also would love to paint the room. Painting the room would obviously require some paint, but I would also love to bless the children with some painted murals in the room. Which leads me to another way you can help, I would love it if any of you would feel led to come help me paint some murals. I know some of you are very talented in this area and would enjoy helping paint the room. I would be open to art work that fits your talent. We do have a projector too, if that would help. Any takers????? Please let me know :) I am excited to get started. 


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