Thursday, July 12, 2018


I am writing again to let you know things continue to settle down in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Thank you for praying. 
And the hurricane that was supposed to be coming never materialized. 

Tonight Mike will be preaching in Arcahaie which is south of Gonaives, and about 1/2 way between Gonaives and Port-au-Prince. There are possibilities of unrest there, as this has been one of the manifestation areas that is typical outside of Port-au-Prince. It is on the only main road that runs north and south through the country, so its is effective in bringing travel to a halt and there by drawing attention to the government. Please pray for continued peace. But more importantly for hearts to be open to God. There will most likely be over 1000 people in attendance. He will be preaching in Nathan's brother in law's church as part of an annual week long celebration. In the past this is the church where I have taken photos of mass weddings, usually 10 or more at a time during this celebration. Please pray that Mike shares what God wants for the people. Also please pray for Nathan and Mike as they minister to the people afterwards. 

Tomorrow, Friday, Mike will be flying back to the states. Please pray for on time connections and the ability to get to the airport and into the airport. The airport was closed earlier in the week and many people are showing up at the airport trying to get a flight out. 

Mike will be in Seattle early Saturday morning and then he will be preaching again Sunday in Anacortes. Please pray again for him to be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is saying and for soft and open hearts. Also please pray against fatigue as he has little down time :)

Thank you so very much for your faithful prayers,

Monday, July 9, 2018

Thank you so much for all of the prayers you have lifted up to God. He is answering. 

The news has reported the whole country of Haiti as being in violent manifestations. Actually that is not true. While the city of Port-au-Prince is a mess right now with violent manifestations, most of the country is calm and protesting in less violent ways. One of the largest problems is that there are not any avenues for the people to speak out and be heard. The problems are politically based and run deep. And just like in our own country what is deep in the background is not what we see on the surface. Most of the country is filled with helpful, giving and loving people. In Gonaives and the surrounding villages Mike has seen only a small amount demonstrations, nothing like what is being shown by the news. Mike said it is sad that the news is showing only this side as it causes people to see Haiti in a light that is not true. Please pray for the people and for peace.

Monday, today Mike and Nathan will be spending the day together in prayer away from everything. They have set the day aside to spend time together praying and seeking God's wisdom as they move forward ministering together. Please lift both of them up in prayer for wisdom, discernment and direction. Thank you so much.

Many blessings chris

Saturday, July 7, 2018


Thank you so much for your prayers. Mike said the two day Pastors conference went very well. Some of the comments afterwards were "Since I have been attending Pastor Mikes teaching I treat my wife different, my family different and my church different."  Another pastor who was thinking back years ago, shared " Pastor Mike, we really did not understand you at the beginning, but now we feel that you have given us a new life and a new ministry. Bless you. Thank you for praying for understanding, clarity and the ability to apply what they are learning. Mike said he really challenged them. He asked them, "Are you willing to change your mind? Are you willing to surrender yourself and your ministry to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit." They are so excited to be able to see God moving!
I really cannot express how vital your prayers are to this ministry. They are moving mountains, they are changing lives. 

Mike spent all day yesterday meeting and working with Pastor Nathan and two of our leaders who are over our schools. They are working on ways to implement more of the "life giving" teachings into the schools. We are trying to help the schools become more holistic, while at the same time meet all of the requirements of the government for Haitian schools.

Today Mike will teach the pastors for about three hours. Then tomorrow, he will be preaching at Poteau. Please be praying for soft and open hearts towards God. Tomorrow, there will also be an ordination of one of our strong church leaders Lemeque, he will be officially ordained as a pastor. Please pray for Lemeque as he takes this step. 

There has been quite a bit of manifestations and rioting in Port-au-Prince, the capital,the government is raising the price of gas, diesel and kerosene by over 40% please be in prayer for Haiti. There has already been quite a bit of damage done and innocent lives lost.

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers.