Friday, June 24, 2011


We wanted to update you in regards to how Jephly is doing. Caitlin, the girl that went down to Haiti with the May team and stayed as a nanny(keeper) wrote this in an e-mail to us.
" I just wanted to let you know that when Jephly left the kids
all got together to pray and held a special time of worship over him.
There is a general peace here, and the kids are going about their days
as usual. Jephly seemed to be doing good-- he literally had a peace
that passes understanding!! I can just tell that God is with him.
Nathan is very tired- he's been eating and drinking plenty of water,
but he's been doing a lot of traveling and it's starting to take its
toll on him. Pray for rejuvenation for him as well."

We talked to Nathan this evening, they arrived in Port-au-Prince safely and are settling down for the night. Nathan echoed Caitlin when explaining the prayer and worship time for Jephly. He said everyone felt peace and that Jephly obviously felt God's presence. Thanks so much for your prayers. Nathan said that Jephly wanted to talk to Mike, and Mike was able to tell Jephly that he loved him and that all of our friends are praying for him. Nathan said that the whole orphanage including everyone with Jephly in Port-au-Prince are fasting tomorrow morning until noon. He asked if Mike and I could fast, along with our friends. So we are asking all of you if you would consider fasting until 12:00 tomorrow. We also talked with Dr. Ralph from our clinic tonight, he said that he knows the doctor performing the surgery and asked if he could be the assistant in the surgery tomorrow. The surgeon consented. So Dr. Ralph will be helping with the surgery tomorrow morning.The surgery is scheduled for 6:30 in the morning, which is 4:30 AM our time. Please continue to lift Jephly, the doctors, caretakers and all involved up to God. Thank you so much we really appreciate the support.

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