Monday, May 23, 2011

Good evening,
I heard from the team tonight. They are doing well. The team visited the village we were invited to. The name of the village is Pasriell. It is on the road towards Cap Haitien. They drove most of the way and then walked uphill and came to a wide open flat space, surrounded by mountains and hills. They were greeted by one of the men who invited them there. They prayed and then Mike asked everyone to walk around and pray and listen. It is a village of about 3000 people. As Mike was praying and asking for confirmation as to whether this was a place God wanted us to work, a man walked up to him and said he had been waiting for someone to tell him about God and how he could be saved. After they led him to the Lord, the team met a Lady who used to be a witch doctor, who said she wanted to know more about God. They shared with her, but she said she wasn't ready yet. When Mike was asking questions about churches, schools ect. around the area, this lady told them that there was a place nearby where someone tried to start a church.
They had asked this community if they wanted a church but then never came back. Later they started building down the road aways, but it fell down in a storm and they never finished. Mike and the team went to look at it, thinking of some possibilities, but the sense that Mike and some of the team members got was that it was in a valley of darkness and something felt wrong about it. So they went back up on top the hill. The team started praying again and proclaiming that Kingdom of God had come and 5 more people came to them and were led to the Lord. They also prayed over a man who has been mute from birth. Mike said that he thinks the man had partial healing because he could make a squeaking noise when they were done. Please pray that this man receives total healing, to glorify God. They asked if they could hold a crusade (revival) on the hilltop, in the flat open space and were told they could. So that is the next step. Please continue to pray for wisdom and discernment as to our involvement in this village.
This evening they had devotions with the children and sang, which is always an enjoyable time. The Haitian people love to sing. The little girl I mentioned last night, is not going to be in our orphanage, but the three brothers (who are not in the same family as the girl) are in the orphanage now. Please continue to pray for their adjustment.
Tomorrow the team will travel to Peru, one of our other villages. They will be spending time with the people and doing baptisms. Please pray that the spirit of God moves there.
Thanks so much for praying, it does make a huge difference.

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