Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Prayer Partners: Last night we received some bad news by telephone. Around 10:30 Pastor Nathan called me to say, among other things that Madame Maurice was very sick and had seen Dr. Ralph that day. I agreed to pray for her, but the call was lost, as often is the case. Nathan called back about 10 minutes later to say that Madame Maurice had just died. We were shocked at the sudden news. This is the widow of Maurice who was an elder in the church, and worked as a tech in our medical clinic until he unexpectedly died about 7 months ago. They leave behind two daughters, 21 and 19, two sons 17 and 13, and a grandson about 4. They are all Christians and close to our ministry. We had been continuing to pay Maurice's salary to Madame Maurice to help her with the children. They were both strong healthy people and strong in the Lord. I must admit that I will probably never understand this one, but please pray with me for God to turn this tragedy into a rich blessing for these children, and profitable for the Kingdom and His Glory.
As we were so vividly reminded on this last trip, life in Haiti is a real battle. This country has been held by satan for most of it's existence. And in order to take back this country for the Lord, we must first go into the country and bind up this strong man and set his captives free. This is not an easy job, and we cannot do it by ourselves. We need you and your prayers and we need the spirit of our VICTORIOUS LORD. Please stand firm with me as we work out our calling with fear and trembling...............Mike

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